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Julie Dion

Why Teach Altruism?

Why Teach Altruism?

Altruism is at the core of our values here at Impact Christian Academy. It highlights the importance of selflessness and promotes putting others’ needs ahead of your own. It stems from humans’ innate desire of helping people, without the obligation of doing so, or the expectation of being rewarded for such kind gestures.

While the goal of altruism is not for personal gain, the practice does reap some positive benefits in the process. We believe those who are altruistic become the most successful by learning life skills and making positive impacts on their community as they go. Helping others tends to improve physical and mental health, reminds us that we’re not alone, and inspires others to do the same.

Think of the verse, “It is better to give than it is to receive.” – Acts 20:35

ICA enjoys showing our students that altruism is easier than it seems. Giving does not have to strictly mean gift-giving by any means. It can be simple acts of kindness and lending bits of time to others.

Some examples of altruism include:

  • Holding the door or elevator open for someone
  • Helping your neighbor carry their groceries inside
  • Ask someone how they are doing, and genuinely listen
  • Help out with chores
  • Give someone a sincere compliment
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen, animal shelter, or community center
  • Donate non-perishable goods and clothes to a local drive

There’s no one-size-fits-all for practicing altruism. There is a method or medium for everyone. We encourage you to try to find ways of making altruism a priority in your life.  

Being a private Christian school makes altruism a priority for us.  ICA’s School-wide Community Service aims to model students to share the love of God through practical acts of kindness. By serving others with simple acts of selfless love, our students learn how open hearts, together with their peers, can make a difference.

How Staying Active Benefits Your Student

Everyone knows that most kids love recess. But what you might not know is that climbing to the top of a slide or swinging from the monkey bars can help lead your student to success in the classroom. There is exhaustive research that suggests that physically active people are not only healthier but also perform better on tests of cerebral or intellectual ability. Further, establishing an active lifestyle as a student can help set healthy patterns that will last into adulthood.

Studies have consistently demonstrated that physically active people are not only healthier but also perform better on tests of cerebral or intellectual ability. Some studies even indicate that the results can be immediate– even a quick 5-minute walk can yield instant results. Most studies show that the more exercise students get, the more proficient their mental faculties and cerebral performance can become. A healthy and active lifestyle is a routine that needs practice and reinforcement to make into a lifelong habit, which is why we encourage all of our students to become active from a young age.

Here at Impact Christian Academy, we believe that offering a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational and spiritual development of the student. Just this school year we unveiled a brand-new playground for our Lower School Students as well as a weight room for our student-athletes to utilize in their athletic journey. We have a robust offering of experiences to enhance the development of positive student habits and attitudes that will prepare them for life outside of athletics. With our teams winning at the district and regional levels, we have established a winning athletics program. But more importantly, we don’t subscribe to the “winning at any cost mentality” that can be so damaging to student development, but rather we view athletics as a platform used to bring glory to God.

Ultimately, countless health benefits are brought on by physical activity. This is why this month we are encouraging our entire community of learning to get active this November. Whether it is team sports, pick-up games, weekend trips to the gym, or daily walks around the block, we can take care of our bodies and let our minds follow positive patterns of achievement. To learn more about the athletic programs at Impact Christian Academy, visit: https://icajax.com/athletics/

The Importance of Including the Arts in Your Child’s Education

The Importance of Including the Arts in Your Child's Education

The benefits of integrating an education in the arts to your child’s education are countless and highly beneficial. The fine arts positively impact a child’s academic performance, assists in the development of social skills and provides an outlet for creativity that is crucial to development. Read our blog to learn more about the importance of arts in your child’s education.


Incorporating music into your child’s curriculum can help your child in the classroom in ways you wouldn’t believe. Studies show that children who play instruments are able to complete complex mathematical problems better than their peers who do not play instruments. That’s right, music makes you better at math! This is because at its core, music is inherently math. Learning to follow a strict beats per minute, time signatures and chord progressions are great math lessons for a student.  Music also can lead to increased coordination as instruments help children develop fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.

In addition to music, culinary arts are also known to have great benefits for child development. Children learn lifetime skills through practicing basic math skills in the kitchen such as counting, weighing, measuring and tracking time. They also can learn social skills by working together and communicating in the kitchen. Further, teaching cooking to youth is an opportunity to teach nutrition education such as planning meals and making smarter food choices.


Dance and the performing arts are also highly beneficial for the health and development of your student.  These disciplines are contingent on one’s memory, order and sequencing skills. Utilizing performing arts in academics also helps children develop proficiencies that are necessary for learning such as creativity, communication, critical thinking and collaboration. In addition, the performing arts are shown to burn calories, strengthen muscles, improve balance, increase flexibility, and improve cardiac health.


Here at Impact Christian Academy we recognize how crucial arts integration is in creating well-rounded, well-prepared learners and leaders. Impact Christian Academy encourages and promotes art culture in a vibrant manner. Our students are creative and talented in performance, visual, musical and culinary arts. Does your student have a huge desire to express their artistic talents? Complete our interest form TODAY! https://icajax.com/

National School Success Month

National School Success Month

By September, our kids are back in school and ready to conquer the upcoming academic year.  What you likely did not know is that this month is also National School Success Month. This month is the perfect opportunity to work with your child and determine the best course of action to set your child up for success this school year. Read our blog to learn how to empower your student this September.

Monitor Your Child’s Daily Work

Keeping tabs on your child’s classwork and homework assignments on a daily basis helps you to avoid any surprises. Make sure that they are staying on track with their homework and preparing for any upcoming tests or quizzes.  Encourage them to excel in school by checking their finished homework and be available to answer any questions or concerns that they might have.

Read to Your Child Each Night

This month, we urge you to pledge to read twenty minutes a night to your child. It may feel hard to find 20 minutes each day to read with your child, but it’s so worth it! Children who read for just 20 minutes per day will be exposed 1.8 million words each year. A small amount of reading each day makes an incredible difference.

Communicate with Teachers on a Regular Basis

Building toward a child’s educational success takes a village, and the first step is making sure that all involved parties, from parents to educators, are all on the same page. Parents should make an effort to attend all parent-teacher conferences and orientations as this is a great way to get face-to-face time with your child’s teachers and administration.

Make Bedtime a Priority

Studies have shown that kids who regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. Set bedtimes that allow elementary-age kids to get 10 to 12 hours of sleep; teens should get 8 to 10 hours.

Encourage Your Kids to Explore Their Interests

When your child is passionate or excited about something it can improve their focus and quality of work! Here at Impact Christian Academy, we encourage and promote art culture in a vibrant manner. Our students are creative and talented in performance, visual, musical, and culinary arts. We aim to provide an education that extends beyond academics in the classroom.

The staff at Impact Christian Academy is dedicated to helping your child succeed by instilling a rigorous academic environment, a biblical worldview and character development through highly competitive athletics – from these four core developmental areas, we empower our students to go out and fulfill purpose while making an impact. More importantly, we never forget the most important part of Christendom, which is an extension of the heart of Christ. To learn more, visit our website: https://icajax.com/about-us/

Seven Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child to Impact Christian Academy

Seven Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child to Impact Christian Academy

Every year, parents in Jacksonville are faced with the incredibly important decision of choosing where to send their children to receive their education. Here are eight reasons why you should consider trusting Impact Christian Academy with your child’s schooling.

We Have a 100% Graduation Rate

Compared to other schools in Jacksonville that only graduate 80-90% of their students, ICA is proud of its 100% graduation rate. However, at ICA our goal is not to just have your child graduate and be done with them, we aim to provide our students with a comprehensive college-preparatory academic program that prepares them to succeed in college and in life.

Dedicated Teachers

Every faculty member is at ICA because they want to be, not because they need to, or have to be. All members of our faculty are required to provide a pastoral reference, be an active participant in their local church and to live a life committed to Christ. Our faculty is certified and professional, and we provide professional development opportunities that allow them to further perfect their craft which is then used to further the body of Christ.

Smaller Class Size

In public schools, it can be common for one teacher to teach thirty or more students in a class. With a teacher’s time divided among so many students, public school does not offer as much individual attention for each student.  Our average class size has a maximum of 16 -18 students for K-5 through 1st Grade and our 2nd -5th Grade has an average class size of 18-20 students to ensure that your child receives the individualized attention that they deserve.

Our Elite Athletics Program

Athletics play an important part in the life of students at Impact Christian Academy. We believe that the lessons in sportsmanship and teamwork are integral life lessons.  We are unique in that while we take great pride in winning, we do not condone “winning at any cost,” and discourage any and all pressures which might tend to neglect good sportsmanship and good mental health.

Expose Your Children to the Fine Arts

Does your student have a huge desire to express their artistic talents? Here at ICA we believe in exposing your children to a wide variety of performance, visual, musical, and culinary arts. We provide the highest quality of dance training to aspiring and recreational dancers, cutting edge culinary education in addition to a world-class music education.

Be a Part of a Christian Community

Our school is anchored around our faith, we work with Christian families, and churches so students will be thoroughly prepared to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Our students perform community service in the local area and each grade level attends chapel weekly.

Scholarship Opportunities

Unlike many private schools, we believe enrollment in our school should not be limited to families who are able to pay full tuition. Our tuition assistance program enables us to assist deserving students who could not otherwise afford to attend. The tuition assistance program helps to achieve social and economic diversity within our school community.

Parents who value small class sizes, increased safety, a Christian community, diverse curriculum, and dedicated teachers will find that ICA is the perfect fit for their child. Have your child join the ranks of our amazing students today: https://icajax.com/apply/