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strategies for homework struggles

Strategies for Tackling End-of-Year Homework Struggles

With the end of the year on the horizon, it can be challenging to keep students motivated to do homework and study for end-of-year testing or final exams. Navigating the study battlefield is much easier if you give your child the tools to manage the workload. We have a few strategies for you that will make tackling homework easier as motivation wanes with the school year’s end.

  • Keep the lines of communication open. Most teachers have established an online presence where they provide open communication and grade portals to post your student’s current performance. Use this to monitor the completion of assignments, weekly progress and test dates. Check in frequently and make sure your child knows this is a team effort. You don’t want to police your child, but you do want to remind them that you’re involved with their academic success. Having organizational materials like a binder or planner to write weekly assignments in will keep everyone on pace. Organizational skills may not come naturally to your child, but it is something that can be learned and is an important skill to acquire.


  • Setting is critical to study success. Make sure your child has a dedicated workspace that is quiet and distraction-free. The study zone should have all the necessary school supplies to get the job done. It could be fun to set up the homework area with your child! Decorating it and making it comfortable will make it more enticing for them to retreat to. Leaving the room will give them a chance to work independently and prevent them from resorting to attention-seeking behaviors. Maintaining a set homework or study time and being consistent will alleviate procrastination. In general, it could be best to tackle the homework before dinner, leaving the evening to rest and recharge.


  • Have educational resources in place for you to go to if your child needs assistance with their work. Instruction in academics is continually changing and the way you learned a concept in school may be completely different than what your child has been taught. If you notice that your child is struggling with a concept it’s important to intervene immediately. There are several free resources available online that provide detailed videos and step by step instruction. For all academic subjects, Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ is an excellent resource that covers all grade levels and standards.


Being able to manage a work and home life balance is a skill that your child will carry into adulthood. Taking the opportunity to give your child the strategies they need to be successful will be the greatest gift you can give them! At Impact Christian Academy we recognize how important it is to prepare your child for success. Impact Christian Academy was created for students in Jacksonville with a world-class educational experience while helping them excel in knowing God, finding freedom in their faith while discovering their purpose, and making a difference in their community. Have your child join the ranks of our amazing students today: www.icajax.com.