Settling into a Routine this School Year

As fall arrives, families start to take a deep breath and relax into the new school routine. Everyone has adjusted from the transition back to school. We know it wasn’t easy, but its September now and it’s all coming together. As you settle into the new routine, make sure you keep consistent with the routines and rituals you’ve put into place. Now’s not the time to let it slide! In fact, now’s the time to reevaluate what’s working and adjust if needed. We have some suggestions to keep the momentum going as you move froward in the school year.
- Your Calendar is Your Best Friend
This time of year is typically when kids will begin sports or afterschool clubs. This is something to consider as you plan to make everything run as seamless as possible. It would be beneficial to make a monthly calendar to put in a central area that everyone can see. On the calendar make note of everyone’s extracurricular schedule and include any out of school functions that may be happening this month. To simplify weekday dinners, meal planning is a quick and easy way to stay organized. Use the same master calendar to make note of weekly dinners. September can become a whirlwind of activities and it may catch you off guard it you don’t plan for it!
- Avoiding Sports Season Chaos
If you are gearing up for after school sports, we suggest you make a launch pad by the front door, or garage. Any place that close to where you enter or leave the house. It could be a cubby, small table, or something as simple as hooks. Use this launch pad as an area to keep equipment, backpacks, uniforms, instruments, or anything you’ll need to grab and go. If an area like this is established, it’ll be less likely that you’re searching for stuff at the last minute. Preparing ahead of time will help you avoid the chaos of sports season!
- Reevaluating the Sleep Schedule
Now that you’ve settled into the routine, another thing to stay on top of is the sleep schedule. Make sure you stay consistent and reinforce healthy sleep schedules. If you notice that it’s still a struggle each night for our child to fall asleep, now may be the time to consider using a different strategy. When schedules are busy and there’s over stimulation everywhere you turn, it may be difficult for your child to turn it off and fall asleep. Try making adjustment to the environment. Blackout curtains are known to lessen sleep disturbances, and weighted blankets can calm restless sleepers. If you are considering a weighted blanket, which is a great option for restless sleepers, make sure to research weighted blankets for kids. There are many products to choose from, but you want a safe weighted blanket designed specifically for children.
- Make Family Time a Priority
As you move through the whirlwind of work, school, sports, open houses, and everything else packed into your busy schedule, make sure you squeeze in family time. Even if it’s just to come together as a family for dinner each night. This will allow you to reconnect and talk about the highlights of each day! Bless the food with a traditional prayer, and dinner is the perfect time to also remind your children to pray and be thankful for how God made each of us unique and with a purpose.
We hope these tips prepare your family settle into a Routine as fall approaches!
Among the best private schools in Jacksonville, FL, Impact Christian Academy was created to provide a world-class educational experience while helping students excel in knowing God, finding freedom in their faith, discovering their purpose, and making a difference in the community.