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Mon - Fri: 7 AM - 5 PM

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We Do School Differently

We Do School Differently

You always want what is best for your kids as parents. You want them to have all of the love, safe shelter, good health, and best education that is available.  Don’t think that you can’t have a say in all of these matters – your choices can make a huge impact on your kids.

While your child’s education is typically determined by school zoning boundaries and places of residency, that doesn’t mean you are stuck with the local school you may not want your children to attend. We’ve outlined the difference of all of your choices down below, so you can determine what will benefit your children and suit your family’s needs.

Public vs Charter vs Private School

Public schools are usually traditional schools, located within a certain radius of your home, are free for students to attend, and have educational standards that are set by each state individually. Because public schools are reliant on federal, state, and local tax dollars, funding can, unfortunately, be cut. This can lead to larger class sizes, diminished extracurricular activities, and decreased academic achievement for students in general.
Charter schools are also free to attend. There is usually an application process, as space is limited, however, they can’t discriminate against admitting students because of their race, gender, or disability. Charter schools are considered independent public schools run by nonprofit groups, private companies, or community organizations. While they do exist in almost every state, they are not as common as public schools, so they may not be located close enough to your residence.

Private schools are privately funded schools and require tuition fees for students to attend. Since private schools, like Impact Christian Academy, are autonomous, they are able to establish a curriculum that is not regulated by state standards, as public schools are. This includes religious education. Also, class sizes are usually more intimate and allow for more individualized approaches to teaching.

Our Structure: Our Four Pillars

ICA is not just any ordinary Christian school. We have four core pillars that we model our curriculum around that provide an education that extends well beyond academics. We emphasize character development and Christian leadership at every level and strive to mentor students to be the best versions of themselves. Our pillars are:

Academics: High academic success with a focus on stem and college prep is our specialty.
Altruism: Teaching our students the altruistic values or the compassion of Christ is essential to being a successful person.
Arts: We encourage and vibrantly promote art culture. Our students are creative and talented in performance, visual, musical, and culinary arts.
Athletics: A dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational and spiritual development of the student.

What makes our youth gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning. We are currently enrolling new students. Apply today.