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Making This School Year the Best One Yet

Making This School Year the Best One Yet

August is officially upon us, and that means it’s time to break out the pencils, notebooks, and calculators. With school back in session, this exciting time is full of new possibilities for students. A new school year means new teachers, new friends, connections, and challenges. For many students, a new year also marks a pivotal time, starting middle school, high school, or senior year—no matter what grade, going back to school is an exciting time.

Impact Christian Academy strives for every student to have a successful school year. Here are some ways to make this school year one of the best yet!

Get Prepared

The transition from summer to school can be challenging for many students; that’s why it is essential to set the tone right. Prepare for the year by going back to school shopping for fun school supplies. Stock up on all materials your scholar may need for the year, and even allow your student to pick out items that will enable them to express themselves. Students feel more confident in their ability to perform in the classroom when they arrive at school with a backpack full of papers, pens, pencils, and art supplies. Having access to supplies also enables creativity and promotes organization.

Get Involved

School doesn’t have to be all work and no play. One way to make this school year fun is by participating in extra-curricular activities. From sports, arts, culinary, and music, getting involved in extra-curricular activities can help students find their passions and grow their skills and identity. These activities can also help students make new friends, improve social skills, gain leadership skills and develop positive habits. In addition, extra-curricular activities teach students lessons they cannot learn in the classroom while they bond with their peers and have fun.

Make Time for Fun

Being a student can be demanding, especially balancing school, extra-curricular activities, and work. While all these activities are important, it is also crucial to carve out time to have fun. Take a break from all the work and schedule time with friends or family, engage in hobbies, exercise, plan a trip, or even chill out. Physical and emotional health play a significant role in one’s academic and personal success. Students who take time to themselves and engage in activities that make them happy will help them feel more energized and motivated throughout the week.

Be Positive

There is no denying that saying goodbye to summer is hard, but it doesn’t have to be sad! It is important to remember that getting an education, while challenging, positively improves lives and sets students up for success. Positive thinking is a powerful tool, and having an upbeat attitude can go a long way. Having a positive attitude increases the chances of better academic performance. Focus on the positives, don’t dwell on the negatives, practice gratitude, and be proud of even the most minor accomplishments. Remember that getting an education is wonderful, no matter how tough it gets!

Impact Christian Academy (ICA) is happy to see our students’ smiling faces again. We hope these tips prepare students to have the best year ever! View ICA’s 2022-2023 Curriculum Book List.


Among the best private schools in Jacksonville, FL, Impact Christian Academy was created to provide a world-class educational experience while helping students excel in knowing God, finding freedom in their faith, discovering their purpose, and making a difference in the community.