(904) 652-1441

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Mon - Fri: 7 AM - 5 PM

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How Impact Christian Academy Does School Differently

At Impact Christian Academy, education goes beyond the traditional approach of simply imparting knowledge. It is an institution that believes in a holistic approach to learning, and as such, the school is structured to offer its students a unique and well-rounded education. As a school that provides small class sizes so that students receive individual academic attention, and a focus on STEM, Impact is an exceptional Christian private school in Jacksonville, FL. Impact Christian Academy is committed to four core areas of academics, arts, altruism, and athletics that prepare students for the future and develop a character that is pleasing to the Lord.
The school is known for its rigorous academic environment, which is aimed at challenging students to strive for excellence. At Impact Christian Academy, teachers are passionate about their subjects and are dedicated to ensuring that every student is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their studies. The school’s academic curriculum is designed to be challenging yet engaging, and it is tailored to meet the learning needs of each student.
Impact Christian Academy believes that creativity and the arts play a significant role in shaping a student’s overall development. As such, the school offers a wide range of artistic opportunities for its students, including visual, performance, musical, and culinary arts. The school’s arts program is designed to help students explore their creativity, develop their God-given talents, and learn valuable skills such as teamwork, collaboration, and communication.
At Impact Christian Academy, serving the community is an essential part of the school’s philosophy. The school instills the value of altruism in its students by providing various opportunities for community service and outreach. The school’s community service model encourages students to serve others, develop empathy, and learn how opening their hearts can make a difference.
At Impact Christian Academy student activities, such as athletics, play a vital role in a student’s educational and spiritual development. The school offers highly competitive sports programs, which are designed to help students develop essential skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, discipline, perseverance, and how to win or lose gracefully. While Impact Christian Academy takes great pride in winning, it does not condone “winning at any cost,” and discourages any and all pressures which might tend to neglect good sportsmanship and good mental health.

Impact Christian Academy offers a unique and well-rounded education that goes beyond the traditional approach to learning. The school’s commitment to academics, arts, altruism, and athletics ensures that every student is equipped with the necessary skills and values to become a well-rounded individual. If you are already searching private Christian school near me, then Impact Christian Academy may be the perfect fit for you! Learn more about admissions here: https://icajax.com/apply/