Keep Your Child School-Ready Through Summer

While we always support taking well-deserved breaks and time for R & R, we also think it’s important to keep your children’s brains sharp. After all, we don’t want any summer setbacks or brain drains to occur after all the hard work their growing minds put in during the previous school year! To prevent your little ones’ brains from turning into complete pool noodles over the next few months, here are our 4 tips on how to have a fun, but still mentally stimulating summer break.
1. Summer Camp but Make it Cool
There are so many options nowadays for summer camp programs, there is sure to be one for something your child is interested in! They range in topics from art, to science, robotics, photography, and more! Even a local YMCA summer camp will keep your child’s social skills up to par. Plus, it’s the perfect chance for children to experiment with trying a new hobby or interest thanks to short-term session commitments.
2. Take a Tech Break
Despite digital learning being all the rage lately, it can be nice to give your eyes a break from all of the blue light a screen gives off. Go back to “old-school” activities that still incorporate numerical skills like board games and card games – your children won’t even notice they are working on counting, strategy, and money values!
3. Train Your New Sous Chef
Getting your child excited about helping you out in the kitchen is a win-win for all! Not only are you teaching them critical life skills that will help them adapt to becoming an adult and caring for themselves, but this will also engage their motor skills and measuring skills by trying to follow a recipe closely. While it may make a mess in the beginning, you’ll be able to reap the awards of watching your child have fun and improve their fractions at the same time.
4. Make Reading Fun
Reading capabilities and comprehension skills are some of the most common skills that tend to drop off the most during summer break. The solution? Reading for even as little as 10 to 15 minutes a day can keep your child’s synapses firing away while improving their vocabulary, creativity, and comprehensive skills. If your child is reluctant, try either reading to them, alternating passages while reading together, setting a book goal, or even reading your own book while seated next to them can help.
Plus, if they try any of the activities above, there’s reading snuck into several of them – reading game instructions, recipes, and more!
Since we can’t see our lovely scholars throughout summer, we hope these tips help you keep them on track to jump right back in come the Fall semester! Impact Christian Academy focuses on doing school differently. We focus on four core areas – academics, arts, altruism, and athletics. Among the best private schools in Jacksonville, FL, Impact Christian Academy was created for students in Jacksonville with a world-class educational experience while helping them excel in knowing God, finding freedom in their faith while discovering their purpose and making a difference in their community. Begin an application for your child today!