Easter Ideas for Families

Easter is around the corner! As a Christian school, Impact Christian Academy is already focused on Easter, but it is also important to take that conversation home. As we get closer Easter, parents and families may be wondering how to incorporate the lessons that Easter season provides into their students’ lives.
Here are some Easter ideas for families to help get your child more engaged in this important holiday.
Get Creative
Try some crafts! Decorating eggs is a staple Easter craft that can be as elaborate or simple as families want to get. If your family has traditional Easter dishes, try sharing those recipes with the children, or maybe even starting some new food traditions with them. Another crafty option for kids and families to spread the message of Easter is by creating greeting cards to share with family, friends, and neighbors!
Reflect on the Days of the Passion Week
Reflect on the events of Passion Week with your student. ICA will be having themed days as we reflect on the Jesus’ final week. Get scholars engaged with the themed days and use that to start talking about what Jesus Christ went through on each of those, and what lessons we can gather from it.
Get Involved in Activities
Easter activities can give parents a fun opportunity to talk about the themes of Easter. Easter egg hunts offer a chance to talk about symbols of Easter, like how the egg symbolizes new life and rebirth, which represents Jesus’ resurrection.
Impact families can get involved with activities like the Egg Hunt presented by Impact Kids on Saturday, April 1st starting at 11:30 a.m. at Ed Austin Park. ICA is also putting on our Passion Week Carnival for students to enjoy and for families to get involved with on Thursday April 6th!
For Lower School Students
It can be a challenge to discuss the end of Jesus’ life and His resurrection with younger ones, considering little ones may be more sensitive to themes of what Jesus endured. It may be helpful to use John 3:16 as a simplified guide. By focusing on God’s love for us, parents can set the foundation of the conversation and add more details as that child is prepared to know more.
Middle School and Upper School Students
Easter season is a time to reflect on how much Jesus Christ gave for us, and it is a perfect time to think about how we can give and serve others. To highlight the ICA principle of Altruism, challenge your student to find new ways of being of service. Students can volunteer their time and talents at soup kitchens, local hospitals, animal shelters, or by gathering donations for a worthy cause of their choosing.
How ever families choose to spend Easter this season, we hope that everyone has a blessed, very happy Easter!