Lions Athletics

Athletics at ICA
Impact Christian Academy believes that a dynamic program of student activities is vital to the educational and spiritual development of the student. The Impact Christian Academy Athletic Program should provide a variety of experiences to enhance the development of positive student habits and attitudes that will prepare them for life outside of athletics. Athletics should function as an integral part of the total curriculum. Athletics is a platform used to bring glory to God. We are called to honor Him as we strive for athletic success. It should offer opportunities to serve the institution; to assist in the development of positive relationships and good will; and, to promote all-around growth and good citizenship qualities.

Athletic Eligibility
All Impact Christian Academy Athletics are run in full accordance with Florida High School Athletic Association standards, policies and regulations. For any questions or concerns, please visit the FHSAA website and sports specific handbooks. In addition questions or concerns may be directed to the Impact Christian Academy Athletic Department.
Below is a list of the minimum expectations of all student athletes:
- Keep up to date on all academic work. Being an athlete requires a significant time of commitment, but one that can be managed with proper foresight.
- You are a representative of Impact Christian Academy at all times. Always act in a way that will make your coaches, parents, and friends proud to know you.
- Attend all practices and games. Varsity and junior varsity teams will be active 5-6 times a week. You are expected to be there every day. Excessive absences may result in decreased playing time and/or dismissal from the team.
- Adhere to team rules. Coaches may establish additional guidelines for their teams. Things such as travel uniforms or away game behavior may be some of the areas addressed. Be prepared to be responsible for your actions.
- Keep an open line of communication with the coach. The coaches are here for you. Be sure to let them know what is going on in your life, so they can be better prepared to coach you.
- Travel with the team. School policy mandates that all team members travel to games on the school bus. Parents may pick their children up from games.
- Report injuries to the coach and/or trainer. Every injury is significant. The more coaches and the athletic trainer know, the better prepared they are to take care of you.
- Be responsible for all issued uniforms and equipment. Athletes will be billed for any damage or loss of equipment assigned to you. Costs of these uniforms will vary depending on item(s) damaged or lost.
Athletics plays an important part in the life of students at Impact Christian Academy. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully, are integral parts of our athletic program.
While Impact Christian Academy takes great pride in winning, it does not condone “winning at any cost,” and discourages any and all pressures which might tend to neglect good sportsmanship and good mental health.
Our Coaches
Impact Christian Academy is fortunate to have the best coaches.
They work hard to develop well-rounded athletes.

Ryan Thomas
Athletic Director & Associate Head Boys Basketball Coach

Ben Jones
Assistant Athletic Director & Head Varsity Basketball Coach

Jerrand Nesmith
Head Football Coach

Marcus Darby
Girls Basketball Coach

Brandon Farmer
Lineman Coach

Victoria Price
Varsity Cheer Coach

Joe Jones
Middle School Basketball Coach

Sandrina Reed
Mini Lions Cheer Coach
Our teams are recognized Statewide
With our teams winning at the district and regional level, we have established a winning athletics program. Want to be a part of a winning team?