(904) 652-1441

Main Office

Mon - Fri: 7 AM - 5 PM

School & Office Hours



"It is better to give than it is to receive." - Acts 20:35

Altruism is the heart and hands of Christ.

Teaching our students the altruistic values or the compassion of Christ is essential to being a successful person, it is imperative. Each quarter, every class, including the Early Learning Center, will complete community service.

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Hurricane Harvey Relief

After Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on many parts of Houston, TX, our Varsity Boys basketball team volunteered with the recovery efforts.

School-wide Community Service

ICA's School-wide Community Service aims to model students to share the love of God through practical acts of kindness. By serving others with simple acts of selfless love, our students learn how open hearts, together with their peers, can make a difference.


Community Partners

AA Couture

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Clicks and Captions Photography

CORA Physical Therapy

Deaf Now

Forks on the Left

G12 Sports

Hoop Grind

KP Dance Artistry

Sports Design FX

Team Nitro


We unlock your student's true understanding of serving others.