(904) 652-1441

Main Office

Mon - Fri: 7 AM - 5 PM

School & Office Hours



Your first step to Impact Christian Academy

We appreciate your interest in Impact Christian Academy (ICA). As a parent, one of the most important decisions you will ever make is where your child will attend school. At ICA, we offer a school which prepares its students academically for college; assists its students to develop a character pleasing to our Lord; and offers programs to help our students achieve success in the areas where God has gifted each with special talents


Admissions Process

ICA opens enrollment in March of every year. Admission to ICA is an eight step process. We are excited that you are considering applying for Impact Christian Academy. Start your application today!

Admissions Policy

No person on the grounds of race, color, disability or national origin, is excluded or otherwise subjected to discrimination in the receiving of services. The school does not discriminate in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral and other aspects of employment on the basis of race, color, disability, age, or national origin.


Financial Aid

We believe enrollment in our school should not be limited to families who are able to pay full tuition. Our tuition assistance program enables us to assist deserving students who could not otherwise afford to attend. The tuition assistance program helps to achieve social and economic diversity within our school community. The programs that we accept are the following:

  • FES-UA
  • HOPE

You can apply for one of these scholarships above through Step Up for Students. Please click here to get started. 

Why Choose ICA?

Your children spend the majority of their day in school. At ICA, we strive to provide a learning environment that emphasizes character development and Christian leadership both in and out of the classroom.

Waive your child's enrollment fee when you refer another student to Impact Christian Academy!

Have more than one child? Get half off the enrollment fee for additional children also!

Admission Committee

In case of any query, please contact members of our admission committee.
They would be more than glad to help you.

Evelyn Robinson

Evelyn Gonzalez

Head of School
EdD ABD - Organizational Leadership
EdS Educational Leadership
MA Teacher Education
BS Biological Sciences

Shirley Simons

Shirley Malave-Simons

Admissions Coordinator

Abigail McNair

Abigail McNair

EdS Educational Leadership
MA Public Administration
BA Forensic Biology, Minor General Biology

Deanda Brown

Deanda Brown

Assistant Principal, Lower School
MA Curriculum & Instruction
BA Elementary Education

Joseph Jones

Joseph Jones

Lower School Dean of Students

New admission starts in March